These are our precious momma dogs. We love them so much!
Tatiana is our wild child. She dances and plays all the time. Tatiana has a ton of fun in the show ring and thinks everyone is a friend. She has earned two points towards her championship so far.
NEW CHAMPION Star is such a super Star she is a diva all the way. She loves to be pampered and loved. She sleeps with my daughter Savanna every night. Little Star is our smallest little crested, she will produce some cute tiny puppies.
Beautiful Star is a super star for sure. She went to her first show cluster and took home two majors. She is now a Champion!
Rayne is my 3 yr old daughters best friend! She is our smallest crested. Rayne is spunky and playful. She’s great with all children and all other animals. She loves to snuggle most of all and actually loves to swim as well. She is so smart and easy to train.
Amber is a True Hairless! She is very devoted to my daughter and sleeps with her all night. My daughter is homeschooled so sweet amber gets to chill on her lap while she does her school work. My daughter is also teaching Amber to do agility which she is doing amazing with. Ambers favorite thing to do is running through the tunnel on the course. Sweet Amber has earned her first AKC trick title trained 100% by my 12 yr old daughter. She is so smart and very trainable.
Here is our sweet Jeta she is a beautiful dark chocolate color. She is spunky and playful. She is the best sleeper she snuggles up at night and doesn’t move until morning and then spends the rest of the day playing and hanging out with the family. She has started in the show ring and is doing so great she already has a 5 point major and is half way there on becoming a champion! We are so proud of her.